I use a Surface Pro 4 connected to the Surface Dock. I'm running into a not identical but possibly related problem. Can provide logs and assist in any testing support I'd still like to see some time put into fixing it. This bug is painful but is survival-able (the bug where the virtual box host services crash during a accidental shutdown is way worse! :-) Some times, closing the guest - 'Save the machine state', reload the save state, then repeat these steps a second time some times works to restore network connectivity (without having to shut down the Virtual Box Manager) I usually have to close the guest and 'Save the machine state', close the Virtual Box Manager, then reload the Guest saved state (Haven't had to restart the Host OS) Happens about 80% of the time (20% of the time it works after resume)
The host network is being accessed in bridge mode Has occurred with a Windows XP Home Guest running on windows 8/8.1 premium and now windows 10(migrated from 8.1), after suspending/hibernating the Host OS.Ĭurrently Running Oracle Virtual Box 5.0.20 r106931 with latest addons install in the guest. Also experience the guest losing network connectivity issue for quiet some time (Has happen for more than a year - I've been using Virtual box for about 4 years in total)